Schoolcraft Memorial Hospital (SMH) has been awarded a 5-Star rating on Hospital Compare, a website developed by the Centers of Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The comparisons are based on inpatient satisfaction surveys conducted through HCAHPS (Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems). Only 229 hospitals in the entire nation received this 5-Star distinction in patient care.
“To achieve this rating is absolutely outstanding. It demonstrates our staff’s deep commitment to providing high quality, safe and efficient care. Schoolcraft Memorial Hospital is truly providing the very best medical care and patient experience,” says Sherry Arnold, Quality Improvement and Risk Management Director.
Patients are surveyed via telephone interview by Arbor Associates. The HCAHPS survey is the first national, standardized, publicly reported survey of patients’ perspectives of hospital care.
Key Questions are asked in the following categories:
Schoolcraft Memorial Hospital has the highest score in the State of Michigan for the question: “Overall Rating of Hospital”. When surveyed, 90% of inpatients rated SMH as a 9 or 10 during the time period of April 2014 to March 2015.
The survey had three broad goals. 1) The survey is designed to produce data about patients perspectives of care that allow objective and meaningful comparisons of hospitals on topics that are important to consumers; 2) Public reporting of the survey results creates new incentives for hospital to improve quality of care; and 3) Public reporting serves to enhance accountability in health care by increasing transparency of quality of hospital care provided in return for the public investment.
“It is profound to see patients having such a positive experience here at Schoolcraft Memorial Hospital. It is a privilege to work with this excellent and dedicated health care team,” said Jeanne Goche, Interim CEO.
HCAHPS data is publicly reported on the Hospital Compare website: Hospital Compare is a consumer-oriented website that provides information on how well hospitals provide recommended care to their patients. This information can help consumers make informed decisions about health care.